Sunday, December 19, 2010
Great Video That Shows Failure can Lead to Success!
Getting Technology for Your Teen This Christmas? Great Idea....if Educational Uses are Involved!

This Picture is Really Worth a Thousand Words!

Monday, December 13, 2010
Students!! You Can Write About Something You Love (Technology) and Win Money!!

Testing a Poll Site, But Would Love Your Response!

Best Presentation of the Year: Anti-Smoking Powerpoint
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Facebook Guide for Parents
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Excellent, but Long, Article from NY Times on Parents and Cyberbullying

8th Graders to Research Charities Soon!

8th Grade Parents: MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Recent TIME Article Shows Graduation Rates Increase!

JA Biztown Curriculum in Full Swing for 6th Graders

Runaway Resources Now in My Office

SMART Discipline Update

Friday, November 19, 2010
Filipino-American Association of Iowa Christmas Party
Just a heads up on an upcoming local event that is celebrating some of our local diversity. There is a phone number at the bottom where you can call to get more information. Have a great weekend!
"Dear FAAI members and future members,
Everyone is invited and bring your crowd. Please open the attachment.
Filipino-American Association of Iowa
Invites you to its
Annual Christmas Party
Saturday, December 4, 2010, 5:00 p.m. – ??? p.m.
Corinthian Baptist Church (Fellowship hall)
814 School Street, Des Moines, IA 50309
Members: FREE
Future member: $10.00 (family)
$5.00 (single –18 yr & up)
Mr & Mrs Santa Claus will be present to hand a gift to your child
Parents, you need to bring a gift with your child’s name on it.
Adults - please bring a gift ($10.00 worth) for gift exchange
POTLUCK - main dish and a 2 ltr bottle soda will be much appreciated
Questions - please call Ruben Rullan @ 515-278-8212"
Des Moines Police Explorer Program Opportunity

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Six Things Not to Post on Your Facebook Account
Khan Academy Can Help With Homework
Rising Cost of College

Go Online WITH Your Kids Sometimes!
FDA Calls Some Alcoholic Energy Drinks Unsafe!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The More You Learn, The More You Earn!
Another Infographic on the Importance of Education

Here is another great infographic on the importance of education. Lots of good things to look at as you study the graph. Click the picture graph to enlarge it so you can see all of it.
Your Future Employment Depends on Your Current Education!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Quarter 1 Grade Report Cards Have Been Mailed!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Red Ribbon Week 2010 is Here!!!

Special Agent Kiki Camarena:
History of Red Ribbon Week:
How to Celebrate Red Ribbon Week:
More Bullying Resources

As much as I study, I am not an expert on bullying, so I will make one of my final blog posts on bullying by directing you to a great blog by an expert on bullying: Naomi Drew. She is an author of 7 books including her most recent book: "No Kidding About Bullying". I now subscribe to her blog and have it sent to my Google Reader account and suggest for you to do this too if you want good information and tips on bullying, cyberbullying, etc. If you get a spare moment, check out her blog at "Naomi Drew".
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
SAP is Here to Help Our Students
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
New and Scary "Look-a-like" Drugs to Watch Out For!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Bullying: What Can a Parent Do?

Sunday, October 3, 2010
More Cyber-bullying and Threats Lead to Suicides

"Smart Discipline" Night for Parents on November 15th

Iowa Youth Survey This Week and Next

Monday, September 13, 2010
Websites for 6th Graders to Test
Is your Child Interested in a Health Career? Great Local Opportunity for Them!

The purpose is to help young people identify the field(s) of health care that most appeal to them. To do this, we bring in experts for each meeting to expose students to fields like: surgery, obstetrics, family medicine, physical therapy, podiatric medicine, social work, psychiatry, emergency medicine, nursing, epidemiology and forensics.
In addition to learning from the experts, the Post members are able to spend time with volunteer DMU graduate students who act as mentors/facilitators. These students answer questions, share their personal experiences, give tours of the medical school, and encourage the students to fulfill their aspirations in health care.
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from September through April on the Des Moines University campus. Leadership opportunities abound; officers are elected and are responsible for the majority of the programming of the Post activities. Local and National Awards can also be earned. Exploring post members participate in community services activities throughout the year as a way to give back to the community."
Click here to learn more about this opportunity. Also, see Mr. Barry for more details.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Last Lecture
Monday, September 6, 2010
Two New Documentaries About Public Education Coming to a Theater Near You!

I love movies. Sadly, I have seen nearly 1,000 movies in my lifetime and even have a ranked list of my top 375 movies of all-time! I'm weird, I know. But I'm normal in the way that most people like movies and they enjoy a good movie from time to time. Lost in all the changes in theaters and movies lately (3D, high ticket prices, computer effects, computer animation, etc.) is that documentaries are getting much more entertaining and being watched by more of the public. Good documentaries about public education have been non-existent though until now. Two award-winning (what awards? Mainly the world film festivals so far) are coming out this fall. The one I am most anxious to see is called "Waiting for Superman", but I just learned of another film titled "Race to Nowhere". Both are documentaries about our public education system. Superman takes a look at the failing public education system, who is to blame, and what we can do to make it better. Race takes a look at the pressure we put on our students to get good grades and be successful while forgetting their mental health needs, their need to be a kid, and their learning along the way. I encourage you to view the trailers for these movies by clicking on their title above. But also consider having your child go with you to these films and having a good discussion about its content after the movie is done. I hope to view both when they come out and talk about their content in class as well. So....enjoy the movies this fall!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cell Phones in Schools? Yes, in Some Schools