Parents: A great opportunity is available to all parents in our district and it is coming up next month. Our elementary counselors have worked hard to set up a great night where parents can learn more about Smart Discipline by the author and speaker Larry Koenig. He is coming to Carlisle on November 15th and will be speaking in the High School Auditorium. We will be hosting a dinner from 5:30-6:00 p.m. that night with his talk about his program called Smart Discipline to follow. Books and materials will be available for purchase but the rest is free to attend (the dinner is Free Will Offering). Even free childcare will be provided!
Larry Koenig and his program has been featured on PBS, NPR, and in People and Parents magazine. His program is designed to help parents use a set discipline method with their children so that the kids develop positive attitudes, listen to their parents, and enjoy each other instead of arguing all the time. Due to Larry's message, he is in high-demand and we ask that interested parents pre-register so we can plan numbers for food, childcare, and seating arrangements. If you are interested, please call Julie Nation at 989-5327 or email Julie at julie.long@carlisle.k12.ia.us If you have more questions, you can call me or Julie as well. Hope to see you there on November 15th!
To learn more, click here!
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