But it doesn't have to just be an IPod Touch. It could be the new IPad. My wife has one of these through her work and my 3 and 5-year old have used this too. From watching Sprout videos, playing PBSkids games, or learning their ABCs and "sight" words, they have no problem with the technology. In fact, they usually learn the game just by playing around with it. Jack has taught me how to do some things. And most if not all of these Apps are FREE! Even something as simple as the live web cams from zoos around the world that I downloaded (for free!) brings up all sorts of conversations and discussions with my kids.
But, you are likely saying "But I have teens....they don't play PBSKids games and they know their letters already!". You are right....at least I hope you are. But that isn't the point. The point is that these items aren't just for Facebooking, texting, tweeting, etc., but if you are purchasing it for them and they are living under your roof, you can make sure some educational purposes are happening too. When I grew up, we had a computer, but no Nintendo (original 8-bit system...I'm old!) or Sega because they had "no educational purpose" according to my mother. Nowadays, most of these devices even the Wii and the XBox have educational purposes. My son learned basic math on a Brain game on our Wii system. So, these cool technology items are what you make of them. My plea with parents everywhere is to consider "forcing" your child to use some of the educational items available on these systems. Who knows.....they might just have fun and learn at the same time!
By the way, here is a great site for family friendly apps. Most are for young children, but I am sure some will work for teens as well: Mom's With Apps
Also, I highly recommend the Kindle App. It's free and you can download TONS of free books to it!
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