Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FDA Calls Some Alcoholic Energy Drinks Unsafe!

Great news!! The FDA is putting a stop to the worst of the alcoholic energy drinks and the makers of these drinks are complying with the FDA's request. As I type, the worst of these drinks including Four Loko are no longer being produced or sold in their current potentially-deadly form. Click here to read more about this story on

If you are wondering what these drinks are, please click through other blog entries of mine until you see some pictures of these deadly energy drinks. They look just like your typical energy drinks and many can be bought right locally. In some cases, Warren County store clerks have sold them to minors thinking the request for ID the machine asks for is just because it is an energy drink. They push some buttons to make it go away and sell the drink to minors! So why are these drinks so bad? They combine a large amount of caffeine and a large amount of alcohol into one can. How much into one can? Well, about 3 pops and 4 beers!! So now when a human body wants to save itself terrible damage or death and shut down and pass out to avoid consuming more alcohol, the energy in these drinks keep people awake and drinking more. Way more than their body can handle and this leads to blackouts, comas, lasting bodily injuries, or even death.

Not all drinks are being changed and the drinks aren't really being banned, so education of young people is still needed. Not to mention that a person of age can still legally mix energy drinks with alcohol on their own or even order a mixed drink at a bar, but in these cases, the caffeine and alcohol content is usually far less. But even in these cases, the danger is present. The one good thing to come from these new drinks and the public uproar is the people are talking and many are learning of the true dangers that can occur when stimulants like caffeine are mixed with depressants like alcohol. I for one hope the conversation and education continues....along with the FDA making sure the products marketed to young people are not the same products that are being designed to hurt or kill them.

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