Monday, September 3, 2012

Positive Attitude is Everything: The Video I Started My Year With

    Got lots of rave reviews from students this year on the video I started all of my 6th and 8th grade classes off with. Even a few parents emailed to say that their child showed them and they loved it to. I have embedded it below so everyone can enjoy it (or enjoy it again?). I have seen this video over 30+ times now over the last two years and the message gets to me every time. In middle school and in adult life, we have to learn to laugh at ourselves and what life offers. And we need to view life through a positive lens. Life is not always good, but how we perceive these things determines the outcome. Those who perceive it negatively will likely get a negative outcome. Those who look at the bright side, might find that the event is not so bad and might even find some good that can come from it. My students have learned very quickly that my main focus is living life with a positive focus. I don't see any reason to be good comes from it. So I am hoping that rubs off on my students this year. If not, as Sam Glenn says, I might just fall on you! (See video to understand what that means!!)

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