Monday, December 26, 2011

Partnership for a Drug-Free America Updates

As I catch up on my blog reader account over the Holiday break, I am skimming through 50 (yes, 50!) blog posts by the group Partnership for a Drug-free America. Lots of good information. If you read blogs here and there, this would be a good blog to follow. If not, I have pasted the links to the best of the 50 entries so you don't have to go through all 50 like I did....just click and read the ones I found to be the most interesting. Happy Holidays!

Marijuana use among teens rising and hitting 30-year peak, click here! Our own Iowa Youth Survey show usage rising among teens as well, but not as high as these results. But we still show about 13% of 11th graders using marijuana in the past month and we also show about 1 out of 15 11th graders smoking marijuana daily.

Synthetic marijuna is dangerous and parents can help! Good, quick read that reminds us all that parents are many times the best preventers of drug use in teens and preteens.

Substance Abuse and Child Abuse/Neglect Show Connection. Sure, this story is about Kentucky, but I assume this is true in almost any state. In my 4 short years as a school counselor, almost all cases of a student talking to me about being abused or neglected occurred by an adult who was also struggling with substance abuse.

Parents who Drink and Drive Means More Likely Chance Their Kids Will Too! Very quick read that highlights a study showing that kids of parents who drive under the influence are more likely to drive under the influence as well. Makes you think, especially if you read the next link...

1/3 of Car Accidents and Fatalities Related to Alcohol. Couple that with the link above and parents are pretty powerful forces in saving their own kids' lives!

House Votes to Ban Synthetic Marijuana (Spice, Bath Salts, etc.). Was in the news a lot, but here is a blog post about it.

Prescription Drug and Marijuana Addiction Treatments Way Up. Ten years of data on this subject really shows how dangerous prescription drugs are becoming. Also, it shows marijuana is becoming more and more of a problem.

Lots of links, but all very good and all very quick to read. Hopefully you get something from at least one of these that you can use to educate yourself, your kids, and those you are around.

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