Our middle school students are very busy this week trying to help needy families this holiday season. First off, our 7th graders are collecting canned and boxed food items for the local food pantry. All of this food goes directly to our local families, many of who are greatly in need due to both a shortage of food in their homes and in our food pantries. Each STAR group is collecting food and having a contest to see which group can bring the most. Even if you don't have a 7th grade child, feel free to send a couple food items with your child this week to donate to the cause.
Secondly, all students are raising money for the Toys for Tots program. This year, Mrs. Beydler and her students are using all of the money raised to help a couple local Carlisle families have toys and new clothes for Christmas. Our school goal is $1100 as we raised over $1000 last year and think we can beat it this year. One staff member has already pledged to match up to $100 if students can bring $100 this Friday!! Each day, a few students will visit every first period class in search of spare change or even a dollar bill or too. You would be amazed at how the spare change adds up. If each student were to simply drop a quarter in the bucket each day, we would raise over $700 in 6 days! If a student were to drop a dollar bill in one day or maybe a few quarters, our goal would be easy. So, again, a very simple request of our students, but adding it up, it can help so many people here right here in our community.
Please consider these 2 great causes this Holiday season. Also, please talk with your kids about charities and helping others as these are great conversations to have with kids at this age. They should be learning lots about handling and working with money both at school and home and charitable giving is one key piece of that education. Happy Holidays!
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