Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games Movie Review by CommonSenseMedia.Org

   If you haven't used to research a movie, a TV show, an app, or a video game, or even a book, you really should give it a try. I have blogged about this site before, but long story short, is a website that reviews anything pop culture and the reviews are by experts, educators, parents, and kids. Combining all of this knowledge, they give you a more accurate idea of what age the media is appropriate for. Not only that, but my favorite part is they talk about both the positive and negatives that piece of media (such as Hunger Games movie) contains and they give you some talking points and questions you could discuss with your children should you decide to let them watch the movie, play the game, or read the book. In other words, it understands that kids may be exposed to some material that is not 100% positive, but it makes a point of involving the family and some discussion to process what was just watched, read, etc.

  With all that said, they just released their review of the Hunger Games movie. The movie has been talked about non-stop at our middle school and middle schools around the country. But even adults are talking about this book and this movie. I have not read the book, but I have heard it is great and a book that teens and adults both love. But the premise of the book and movie, teens fighting to the death via a futuristic reality show does cause some concern for parents. I thought the review and some of the comments on did a good job of explaining all of this. The age they say could watch the movie is no younger than 12 or 13 and is actually more appropriate for 16 and up. Please click on the review below to learn more. Many kids age 11-13 are likely going to see it, but at least after reading the review and comments, you as parents can be prepared for some discussion questions and some method of helping your child process what they just saw.

And as the kids would say, "Happy Hunger Games"

Hunger Games review on

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