Sunday, November 11, 2018

Great Links for Parents when it Comes to ESDs (Electronic Smoking Devices)

  Instead of making a variety of posts on our Counseling Facebook page, I figured it would be easier to put all the links in one blog post. Thank you to ISTEP (Iowa Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention) for all of these links and more in their recent newsletter. Electronic Smoking Devices (ESDs) such as Vapes and JUULs have exploded in use in middle and high schools across the country including our own schools. Some kids don't think it is that big of a deal. But it is. For teens and adolescents, these are not "Smoking Cessation" devices, these devices are designed to encourage students to smoke more and more and even take up smoking cigarettes. The information is there, the research is there, but our kids aren't seeing it, hearing it, and/or believing it. As parents and adults, educating ourselves so we can educate our children is key. With that being said, please take some time to click on these links and review the information.

Infographic on what Juuls are and how they hurt our young people

4 things Parents need to know about Juuls

Another Infographic from the CDC on ESDs such as Juuls

Smoking E-cigarettes Increases Likelihood Adolescents Will Smoke Cigarettes

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