Sunday, October 28, 2012

Energy Drinks Now Being Investigated by FDA


     Students were very interesting in talking about Energy Drinks and their possible negative effects during Red Ribbon Week. When we noted that caffeine is a drug, a legal drug, but a drug nonetheless, students were interested in how large amounts of caffeine in energy drinks could affect a young person. Some people even brought up a story that I had also recently heard on the radio. The story of a 14-year old who died of cardiac arrest after consuming 2 full 24-oz. cans of Monster Energy Drink. That is A LOT OF CAFFEINE! But is a deadly amount? That is what the FDA is investigating as this is the 5th death that has come immediately after consuming an energy drink or large amounts of energy drinks. I told the students that we would have to wait and see what the investigation shows, but I have always believed that caffeine should be limited, especially in young people. I noted that pregnant women are not supposed to consume any caffeine as it can have negative effects on the growing baby. This means no chocolate, tea, pop, or coffee. Some women still do, but it is important to note that caffeine has proved to have negative effects. And once upon a time, young children/teens were not supposed to consume caffeine either or have very little due to possible negative effects. Now, it is not uncommon to see kids finishing their first or second cup of coffee or first bottle of pop as they walk into the morning! I have a feeling that caffeine has had more of an effect than we may ever really know, but what long-term effects it truly has may be tough to prove. Either way, this is a good reminder that caffeine is an addicting drug and does have some negative effects and should truly be limited, especially in young people. Here are two of the more recent studies and articles about this topic from the Partnership for a Drug Free America.

Some Energy Drinks Mislabeling Their Caffeine Amounts click here

FDA Investigating Energy Drinks and Possible Deaths Due to Energy Drinks click here!

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