In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the stock market, here is a video from Common Craft. I LOVE COMMON CRAFT VIDEOS!!! They make the most complex things so simple by breaking it down in just 2-5 minutes. Most are technology related or money related, but they are adding more all the time. If you want to learn about more than just stocks, go to there site and see what they have to offer. In the meantime, please get your kids and click on this link. Trust me, you are never too young to invest in stocks. I started when I was in elementary and it made a huge difference in my life. I am hoping my students might have the same opportunity I did.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sixth Graders Buy Stock! Well, sort of......
Yes, our 6th graders bought stock last week. I was very generous and gave them $50,000.00 to invest in stocks and mutual funds or put in the bank. Most wanted to invest their money in the stock market despite my reminder that there is risk when you put money in stocks. Maybe it was my story of how I paid for 3 of my 4 years of college using money I made in the stock market after getting started in the stock market when I was in 6th grade. I have always been fascinated by stocks and my family even says I should still be a financial advisor or a stock broker, but trust me, I have made some mistakes as well. If you don't remember WorldCom, AtHome, or a few other stocks that I invested in, that is because they went bankrupt and I lost my whole investment in their companies. I suppose that made up for the times I tripled and quadrupled my high school savings by investing in a few different companies. Bottom line is that stocks have risks, but over time, you can expect to earn about 8% a year if you invest in a stock. That means, using the Rule of 72, you would double your money every 9 years. After showing students this rule and how $1000 could become almost a quarter of a million dollars by the time they were 100, students were pretty excited to invest in stocks. Now, the tough part: Waiting until the end of May to see who earned the most. We will see....
Top Ways Teens are Getting into Trouble When Online

Came across an interesting article today while going through my Google Reader updates. This was linked on a blog I read and after clicking on it, I even learned some things. As your kids/teens go online and do the many things they do ( means computer, laptop, tablet computer, phone, Ipod Touch, is almost everywhere now!), they might be at risk by doing things they don't think twice about. Please click on this link and read the article. It is a little complex at times if you are like me and do not know everything about the Internet, but maybe you could have your teen read it with you and explain what it means. I have a feeling they will know what these 5 risky online behaviors are. Bottom line: You can never be too safe when going online....
Click below.
Monday, April 18, 2011
6th Grade Orientation Powerpoint!
Parents/Students: Mr. Barry is visiting the 5th graders at the Hartford building on Tuesday, April 19th. He will be walking them through a powerpoint about their upcoming change to 6th grade and middle school. He will also be answering their questions and hopefully putting them at ease and getting them pumped up for their next three years of school. Middle school is a place of change on many levels and change can be scary. But it does not have to be. Our hope is that the students will get off to a great start next year as 6th graders and will continue to grow and develop into successful high school students after they leave our building. Should you want to view the powerpoint he is showing to the students or if your student is absent the day he presents this powerpoint, please use the viewer below to view the powerpoint.
One sign up sheets that Mr. Barry gave to each student while he was there are due back to their classroom teacher by the end of the week. Please review this form with your child, sign it, and send it back to school with them. Thank you!
6th grade orientation powerpoint
View more presentations from Benjamin Barry.
Friday, April 8, 2011
FREE Children's Screenings
FREE Children's Eye, Lead, Dental, Developmental Screenings! Tuesday, April 19th only from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Eye Screenings for ages 6-48 months (can be older if not already being served in a preschool program or home schooled). Lead Screenings for ages 1 year and above. Dental Screenings/Education for any age. Developmental Screenings for ages 2 months-5 years. No appointment needed. Open to the public. Screenings to be done at the First United Methodist Church. Use south doors under the canopy. Can do just one screening or all of the screenings. No limit to how many children you may bring. Hosted by Wee Care, Indianola Lions Club, Warren County Public Health, Warren County Child Care Resource. For questions call Lisa Gray at 961-4716.
Carlisle Elementary Career Day
We are planning our Carlisle Elementary Career Day on Friday, May 13th. The rain date for the outdoor stations will be on May 20th. The elementary students learn about careers in Guidance class. To end the career unit, the students participate in a Career Day by visiting indoor and outdoor stations; hearing parents and community members speak on a variety of occupations. Please contact the school counselors if you would like to be invovled in teaching our students that day. Contact the school counselors at and 989-5333 or and 989-5327 i f you want more information or would like to volunteer. We hope students will be introduced to new careers, see the value in education, and appreciate a positive work ethic.
Carlisle Elementary Resource Fair
Be sure to attend the Elementary Resource Fair on April 21st from 5-7 in the Multipurpose Room. A variety of services will be available to provide information about how they can help children and families enrich their lives. You will also be also be able to find volunteer opportunities. Special features include Door Prizes, a FREE family pool pass, childrens' toys and books, a clown, FREE dental screenings, FREE bike helmets, etc. The Carlisle Police Department will be educating the community of safety. Feel free to bring your bike for a FREE fitting and safety check. You can also visit the elementary Book Fair and Art Show at the same location and time. You can attend 3 elementary events in one stop. We look forward to your attendance. Feel free to refer any questions to the elementary school counselors at 989-5333. Some groups that will be attending are: Carlisle Elementary PTO, City of Carlisle, Warren County MH/DD Community Services, Carlisle Public Library, Iowa Workforce, United Health Care, I-Smile, Prevention Concepts, Red Rock Area Community Action, Employee and Family Resources, Blank Children's Hospital/Safe Kids Greater Des Moines, Carlisle Police Department, etc.
Art Show,
Book Fair,
Carlisle Elementary,
Resource Fair
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Parent Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Middle School Social!
Parents....we are in need of several parent volunteers for our upcoming Middle School Social. This social is on April 15th from 7-9 p.m. and the theme is "Dress to Impress", so you will have the chance to see our middle school students dressed nicely and enjoying a spring social with lots of great music, food, and pop. We need parents to walk around and help us monitor the middle school students in the various areas of our social event. We would need you from about 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. and promise you the night will go quickly and you will enjoy your time with our middle schoolers. If you can help us out for a few hours next Friday, please contact Megan Wilshusen at
Thank you!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
JA Biztown Trip This Week: Here's Our Day
JA Biztown is finally here!! We will be taking half of the 6th grade class each day to JA Biztown on Thursday and Friday. This means about 75 students, 15 parents, and 4 teachers will be invading the JA Biztown facility each day for a great day of fun and learning. Just in case you are wondering what your child needs and what their day will look like, here you go:
What your child needs for the day:
*A few pencils
*A sack lunch (no drink...they buy this with their paycheck)
*Their permission slip turned in (still missing some!!!)
What their day will look like:
*Come to school at normal time
*Report to 1st period with their pencils and sack lunch
*Be dismissed to Commons at 8:25 a.m. to line up for bus
*Head to Biztown at 8:30 and arrive at 8:50 a.m.
*From 9-11 a.m. students will work in their business and hold a town meeting to hear from CEOs, Mayor, Judge, etc. Biztown staff will also go over the rules and safety procedures.
*From 11 a.m.-1 p.m. students will continue to work, but will mix in a couple breaks where they also get to deposit their paycheck into their checking account at the bank. They also get to spend lots of Biztown money on some fun items!
*From 1 p.m-2 p.m. students will clean up and hold a final town meeting. Awards, thanks, and other items will be handed out and students will board the bus.
*Students will leave at 2 p.m. and arrive back at the middle school at 2:20 p.m.
*Students will fill out a JA Biztown post-experience survey, write some thank you notes, and talk about what they liked and didn't like. up until the 3:10 bell. This will take place with one of the volunteer teachers from the trip.
On the day your child does not go to JA Biztown, they will go through a fairly regular day of school. They do not actually miss any of their CORE class instruction because those teachers will teach the same thing on both Thursday and Friday since all 6th graders will be here one day and gone the other day.
The 6th graders are really excited for this trip and we should have a great time. When they are all done, they should have some souveniers, should be able to find some pictures I took of them to put in a scrapbook or give to their parents to scrapbook with, and will get to watch videos taken the day of JA Biztown in a future Life Skills class. So...tons of fun and tons of memories. Thank you for helping make this possible and keep discussing anything related to money, jobs, work, and "real life" with your kids even after Biztown has finished. Have a great week!
Stars for Tomorrow Scholarship for 8th Graders!
Parents and students, heads up for a scholarship/award possibility: Stars for Tomorrow Applications are available for Carlisle 8th graders only and are due by May 6th. The Carlisle Alumni Association is sponsoring this opportunity and is awarding a $100 Savings Bond for the winning student(s). So, what do students have to do?? Not much really. Here is all they have to do:
1. Fill out name, address, etc. on application.
2. Type six short paragraphs on how he/she shows each of the six character traits that make up the six Pillars of Character Counts (respect, trustworthy, etc.)
3. Hand 2 reference forms to 2 adults they are not related to. These adults will rate the student in the 6 character areas and fold this form up and hand it back to the student.
4. Mail all of these materials to the address on the application and DONE!
Pretty simple right? And the student can some nice money in return, not to mention an honor and some acknowledgement of their high character. If you have questions about this opportunity, please call Ben Barry (989-5413) or email Ben at Thank you and good luck!
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