Monday, September 19, 2011

Updates from Partnership for a Drug Free America

From time to time, I will be posting some links to some blog updates or articles from the blog "The Partnership for a Drug Free America". They update their blog a lot and always have great information. I will repost the best of the their best in case you don't have time to go through all of their blogs. Please click on the links below to read the articles in full.

Drug deaths now more than Traffic related fatalities
So many of us think driving is dangerous for teens, but experimenting with drugs is just something kids do. Well, now their is proof that drugs are more deadly. Click to read more!

Lung Cancer Declining as Cigarette Smoking Declines
Um....DUH! Of course it is going down. The best part is the new Iowa Youth Survey shows that 85% of our high school students basically never smoke and of the other 15%, only a few of those students are actual smokers. This gets better every time we take the survey!

Amphetamine-type Drugs the Second Most Abused Drug
When you read the article, note the part about Bath Salts at the very bottom. I will be writing a post about bath salts later this week and how students are using these as a drug, NOT as a bath tub accessory!

Less than 20% of Adults Now Smoke
Yes, now less than 1 in 5 adults even smoked in the past year. I probably know less than 10 people in my life who smoke currently. It just isn't something many people do now that we know all the horrible things it can cause. And since we know that number is even less with our Carlisle students, maybe our adult behaviors are starting to rub off on our kids!

That is it for now, tons more if you want to actually go to the DrugFree site. If you have questions, let me know.

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